WFDA Points are assigned in two type of contests: Vice-Chairman sanctioned, and Chairman sanctioned. All WFDA competitors receive one point for entering these contests, and one point for each shooter they place ahead of in the contest. For example, with 50 shooters in a contest, the winner would receive 50 points. The second placed shooter would receive 49 points, etc.
The Vice-Chairman contests are regional contests, with annual totals being added for VC contests within that area. An area must hold at least three contests in a year for the top shooter to receive that area's Top Gun award (see the Shooter Contact List for maps of the WFDA areas).
Chairman sanctioned contests are the largest in the sport, with up to a hundred of the fastest guns in the world shooting it out for top honours. Points are awarded in these contests in the same manner as the Vice-Chairman contests, with the top man and women being named the "All-Around World Champion" for that year. Also, the top 15 men and 8 women receive awards as the top guns for the year.
The 2005 Chairman Top Gun Tour schedule included the following contests:
World Thumbing and Wild West Championship - Forence, AZ - Mar. 11-13
Cripple Creek Double Or Nothing Shoot Out - Cripple Creek, CO - May 14-15
World Wax Elimination Championship - Deadwood, SD - June 11-12
World Blank Elimination Championship - Cripple Creek, CO - Oct. 1-2
Canadian Championship - Cochrane, AB, Canada - Sept. 3-4
2005 All-Around World Champions
Nicole Franks & Howard Darby
2005 Year End Point Standings
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