WFDA Points are assigned in two type of contests: Vice-Chairman sanctioned, and Chairman sanctioned. All WFDA competitors receive one point for entering these contests, and one point for each shooter they place ahead of in the contest. For example, with 50 shooters in a contest, the winner would receive 50 points. The second placed shooter would receive 49 points, etc.

The Vice-Chairman contests are regional contests, with annual totals being added for VC contests within that area. An area must hold at least three contests in a year for the top shooter to receive that area's Top Gun award (see the Shooter Contact List for maps of the WFDA areas).

Chairman sanctioned contests are the largest in the sport, with up to a hundred of the fastest guns in the world shooting it out for top honours. There are normally five to seven Chairman contests per year. Points are awarded in these contests in the same manner as the Vice-Chairman contests, with the top man and women being named the "All-Around World Champion" for that year. Also, the top 15 men and 8 women receive awards as the top guns for the year.

The 2002 Chairman Top Gun Tour schedule included the following contests:

Wild West Championship - Forence, AZ - Mar. 16 & 17
Wild Bill Hickok World Wax Elimination Champ. - Deadwood, SD - June 15-16
World Blank Elimination Championship - Bearspaw, AB, Canada - July 6-7
Montana State Championship - Big Timber, MT - July 20-21
Fastest Gun Alive Tournament - Sublimity, OR - Aug. 2-4
Canadian Championships - Cochrane, AB, Canada - Aug. 31 & Sept. 1

Nicole Franks and Chuck Burnham
2002 All-Around World Champions
Nicole Franks & Chuck Burnham

2002 Year End Point Standings

Men's Division
1 Chuck Burnham 208
2 Howard Darby 194
3 Mark Hullen 142
4 Bob Franks 129
5 Jay Faughn 124
6 Tye Faw 116
7 Chester Sackett 114
8 Don Mowery 113
9 Frank Lawton 112
10 Greg Danielson 108
11 Wendell Wahlen 104
12 Larry Jelinek 95
13 Gil Guerra Sr. 92
14 Ron Martinez 91
15 Bob Graham 82
16 Bob James 81
17 Darryl Blinn 80
18 Armand Perry 73
19 Miles Miller 72
20 Garland Sutton 69
21 Richard Benedictson 67
22 Bob Bussinger 67
23 Jim Standridge 67
24 Harold Kelley 62
25 Jerry Simpson 60
26 Ralph Howell 59
27 Bill Waller 59
28 Brian Colwell 57
29 Ron Phillips 56
30 Bichard Parmentier 55
31 Gene Cahn 53
32 Bob Edmiston 52
33 Joe Nelson 52
34 Dan Qualls 52
35 Tom Wentz 51
36 Bob Arganbright 51
37 Greg Knick 51
38 Bill Duff 49
39 Jim Dyer 49
40 Smitty Polhill 48
41 Mick Manis 48
42 Terry Ballard 48
43 Paul Reginaldi 48
44 Steven Schaeffer 47
45 Thomas Guerra 46
46 Brad Hemmah 46
47 Quentin Sittmann 46
48 Peter Garibaldi 44
49 Glenn Renney 44
50 Scott Burns 44
51 Jim Yager 43
52 Phil McNaughton 42
53 Larry Schipper 40
54 Tom Blasgen 40
55 Joe Coldwell 39
56 Trey Coulson 38
57 RonBright 36
58 G.W. Jones 35
59 Gil Guerra Jr. 34
60 Jack Rudd 34
61 Wayne Andrews 33
62 Leo Hess 31
63 Gary Tryon 29
64 Gene Ballard 27
65 Ed Thielke 27
66 Dan Litchfield 25
67 Jake Terrey 25
68 Todd Vonfeldt 24
69 Adolf Spiegelhalter 23
70 Michael Pantano 22
71 Chris Waring 22
72 Bill Barnthouse 20
73 Randy McCulough 19
74 Ray Thielke 19
75 Jerry Wells 18
76 Dale Weitzel 17
77 Takashi Matsumoto 17
78 Mike LeBlanc 17
79 John Rasmussen 16
80 Len Bohnenkemp 16
81 Barry Leary 15
82 Bill Caravello 14
83 Mel Stockwell 14
84 Terry Young 13
85 Steve Pointmeir 13
86 Michael Proctor 13
87 Larry Davenport 13
88 Ron Hollings 13
89 Robert Robinson 12
90 Mitch Gallant 12
91 Darrell Peters 12
92 Jim Lambley 11
93 Henry Wantke 10
94 Lynn Edgemon 10
95 Tommy Bloss 9
96 Gary Adrian 8
97 Grant Orourke 7
98 Jim Vonfeldt 7
99 Rainer Knittel 6
100 Ted Simpson 6
101 Larry Dezan 6
102 Mike Wallen 6
103 Rich Codd 5
104 Jim Burns 5
105 Mike Pflug 4
106 Ethan Rudd 4
107 Colton Schwartz 4
108 Steve Vonfeldt 4
109 David Johnston 3
110 Ron Farris 3
111 Dale Lee 3
112 Steve Schwartz 3
113 John Frederick 3
114 Pop Frysinger 2
115 Corey Sackett 2
116 Wm Flemming 2
117 Steve Newell 1
118 Dave Burgraff 1
119 Tom Jellema 1
Women's Division
1 Nicole Franks 82
2 Peggy Franks 74
3 Alanna Blinn 68
4 Anita Burnham 67
5 Cheryl Short 42
6 Terri Evans 41
7 Linda Faughn 36
8 Judy Lawton 31
9 Carla Howell 26
10 Laurie Yarnell 26
11 Geneta Faw 25
12 Ashley Coldwell 24
13 Linda Benedictson 20
14 Jean Bussinger 20
15 Carol Cozzitorto 18
16 Sherry Kelley 18
17 Jennifer Knick 17
18 Joyce Tryon 14
19 Melissa Rudd 14
20 Cel Jones 11
21 Barbara Sackett 10
22 Shelly Wallen 10
23 Brenda Gay 9
24 Linda Ballard 9
25 Susie Vonfeldt 9
26 Lana Lambley 8
27 Missy Nelson 7
28 Monica James 7
29 Anette Edmiston 7
30 Shauna Frey 6
31 Vivian Wahlen 6
32 Lil Coulsen 5
33 Pam Frazee 4
34 Christine Blinn 4
35 Jackie Schwartz 4
36 Jean Duff 3
37 Anita Miller 2
38 Courtney Flemming 2
39 Louise Nelson 1

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