The World Elimination Championships was a Traditional Style contest that saw the fastest guns in the sport compete for the 2001 world title. This was a 3-out-of-5, 3X contest, meaning that you had to beat your competitor 3 shots, and you had to loose 3 rounds of shooting before being eliminated from the contest. The contestants were split into 3 divisions for women, and 3 divisions for men (AA, A & B) depending on their speed classification, with AA being the unlimited, fastest class.
The contest site of the 2001 World Elimination Fast Draw Championships.
Men's "AA" division finalists Howard Darby (left) and Bob Mernickle.
Women's "AA" division finalists Nicole Franks (left) and Peggy Franks.
Men's "A" division finalists Tye Faw (left) and Jim Yager.
Women's "A" division finalists Anita Burnham (left) and Terri Evans.
Men's "B" division finalists Bill Caravello (left) and Ralph Howell.
Women's "B" division finalists Shauna Frey (left) and Linda Benedictson.
Scorekeepers, clock operators and spectators
Top row (l-r): Ray Thielke, Christine Blinn, Clara Thielke
Bottom row (l-r): Sherrie Mernickle, Suzie Vonfeldt, Jim Vonfeldt, Ted Blocker
The trophy winners at the World Elimination Championships.
Division winners (clockwise from top): Tye Faw (A Men), Anita Burnham (A Women), Howard Darby (AA Men), Nicole Franks (AA Women), Shauna Frey (B Women), Bill Caravello (B Men).
Contest Video Clips 
Competition start |
Introduction and first shots of the 2001 World Blank Elimination Championship (37 second clip, 470 Kb) |
Competitor interviews |
Some interviews and coverage of the Women shooters (42 second clip, 515 Kb) |
Competition finals |
Finals of the Championship (53 second clip, 659 Kb) |
Viewing these clips: These clips have been recorded in Windows Media Player format, and should work on most Windows PCs with that program installed, using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your web browser. The video quality has been reduced to enable quicker download time.
Click here to view the contest results