The 1998 All-Around World Championship encompassed six events, two styles (Traditional and Open) and Index and Elimination shooting over three days to determine the best in the world.
The picture above shows Mark Hullen (left) and Lhanie Clark shooting 4" balloons @ 8'. Although men and women are often on the line at the same time, they compete in separate divisions.

Dinah Elrich completing a string of Double Balloons while Larry Jelinek keeps time. As you can see from the timer close-up, Dinah shot a .547 on the left, and .773 on the right (a .226 cross-over). Having shot a successful string (both balloons hit), the time entered on the score card for this round would be a .773 (the time on the last balloon).
Women's division champions - Back row (l-r): Anita Burnham (8th), Peggy Franks (2nd), Dinah Elrich (1st), Joyce Tryon (3rd), Monica James (6th)
Front row (l-r): Doreen Ballard (7th), Teresa LeBlanc (5th), Jean Bussinger (4th)
Men's division champions - Back row (l-r): Ron Phillips (5th), Chuck Burnham (10th), Del Burnham (8th), Jim Tinsley (9th), Bob Graham (14th), Larry Jelinek (11th), Bob Bussinger (12th), Mike Pantano (6th), Yamada Hidenori (13th)
Front row (l-r): Ernie Hill (4th), John LeBlanc (3rd), Cal Elrich (2nd), Greg Danielson (1st), Gary Tryon (15th)
You can view the results of the 1998 All-Around World Championship.